
Sometimes, I wonder

Today, as I was doing my laundry, I started wondering about some things that happen.  Do you wonder about what goes on in your world that doesn’t seem to have an explanation?

As I took my black trousers from the dryer, some of the pockets had been pulled out and were inside out.  I know that when I put the trousers with side pockets into the washing machine, the pockets were inside of the pants.  I know because I ALWAYS check to see that there is nothing in them.  No rocks (I collect rocks, you know).  No coins.  No tissue.  What a mess it is to have tissue dissolve and scatter throughout the wash; of course, I always let the dryer do its job, and it filters out the tiny pieces of tissue and conveniently puts them into the screen filter.

So, I wonder, why are the pants pockets inside out?  And, why is it that only some of the pants pockets are inside out?  All of the others are safely inside the pant legs as they were when I put them into the washer.

The same is true of the pant legs and the sleeves of sweaters.  How is it that one pant leg will be completely inside out?  Or, one sleeve?  And, the others aren’t?

As I climbed the stairs from the basement, I noticed that the dog hair that has collected on the wood steps congregates in the corner of the step.  Unlike Lady the schnauzer who never shed hair, my visiting dogs do.  Sometimes, they go to the basement with me when I work there.  And so, of course, their hair will be on the steps.  But, why is it not scattered about  over the entire step?

Wire hangers have been around for a long time.  The only wire hangers I currently use are the ones on which I hang my trousers.  They have a round cardboard tube that serves to keep the trousers from having a crease where the pant legs rest over the hanger.  Wire hangers have been notoriously noted for multiplying in the dark.  You start with five hangers and, suddenly, you have ten.

The pant hangers I use were acquired when Larry had suits that needed to be dry cleaned.  He dressed in business suits for years.  I still have those pant hangers.  So, here’s the question – why don’t I have to get any new wire hangers?  I know that some of the hangers I’ve used in the past have simply “given up the ghost,” and that I’ve had to throw them away.  But, I still seem to have as many hangers as I’ve always had.  I have not acquired any new ones.  In fact, I don’t even know where I would get replacements.  And, yet, the number of wire hangers never seems to diminish.  It makes me wonder why.

Why is yawning so infectious?  If you are in the presence of someone who yawns, can you not yawn?  I wonder why you feel the need to yawn.  When Daughter #1 and I are talking on the phone, if one of us yawns, the other one yawns.  You don’t even have to see the other person yawn.  You only have to hear the yawn!  Not only does this happen adult to adult, but when a baby yawns, just try to avoid yawning.  Doesn’t happen.  And, sometimes, you don’t even need to see or hear the other person who is yawning.  Just imagine a yawn, and you yawn!  Like now.  Did you yawn while reading this?

You look at the ground in front of you.  Perhaps, it is a concrete sidewalk with a raised edge that you are approaching.  You think, I need to be careful not to stub my toe on that.  But, you stub your toe.  I wonder why.

The skies are clear.  You decide to wash your car.  And, it rains.  I wonder why.

You drive a multi-thousand-mile drive for two or three days.  You get home and the car is in the garage.  For one night.  The next morning, you have an errand and want to start the car.  It doesn’t turn over.  Why?

I’m sure that wondering is part of thinking.   Sometimes, I would say to Larry, “I’ve been thinking” – and tell him what I was thinking.  Often, his response was, “Don’t you ever stop thinking?”  Well, no.  I think that except when sleeping we are always thinking.  Even, as we dream, I think, we are thinking.  And, wondering.

Be Safe and Be Well
The Cranky Crone
Thoughtful comments are appreciated.



2 replies on “Sometimes, I wonder”

I managed to not yawn, but it was hard!!! Sometimes I feel like I’m watching movies all night in my sleep, especially before I wake up. I had a dream the other day that your daughter #1 was given $19 million! I think she won it, but as the days have gone by I’m now starting to remember that she wrote a very popular children’s book. Which is right? I’ll never know!

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