
Tiptoe Through My Closet With Me

My wardrobe tends to be non-descript.  And, it’s from before the turn of this last century.  Daughter #1 often gives me a garment or two that she thinks I would like to wear.  And, she is usually right.  Her last purchase for me was a sweater made with a rich fabric that was a beautiful color.  It is special; so, I wear it for special occasions.


My 2023 Valentine

Dear Readers, I was going to write something completely different for this week.  Then, I realized that the real topic should be Love.  For most people in the United States (if not the world), love is the topic of discussion, this week.  Either experiencing expressions of love, or not experiencing expressions of love.  In the U.S.¸ we do make a big production of this thing.  Cards.  Flowers.  Chocolate.  Romantic dinner.  All things Valentine.


Books and More Books

As my readers know, I have a rule:  Something has to leave my house, every day, and never come back.  And, I have a lot of “somethings” to eliminate from my house.  Rule aside, it is hard to let personal possessions go.  Really hard.

You probably also know that I have books.  Boy!  Do I have books!.    There are few rooms in my home that don’t have books in them – usually, more than one book.  Even after giving away thousands of books (to an Indian Reservation in the Dakotas; to libraries, to individual persons who wanted them).  And still, I have books.


Working For Real Money

Did you have a job away from home in your other life.  You know.  Before becoming an older person.  I did.  Well, actually, I had many, and telling you this story is going to sound like a resumé.  So, please bear with me.  As I remember, I never had a job that I completely couldn’t tolerate.  My first “work for pay” job was taking care of a boy after school, as well as doing some light housework.  I’ve never been keen on doing housework.  But, it was part of the job, so housework I did.  I can’t remember the boy’s name.  He was about eight or nine and, as I remember, a pretty good kid.  I also can’t remember what the mom did for work; I do remember that she was expecting her second child.  The dad worked at one of the local television stations – pretty high-brow stuff for a girl in high school to be taking care of his kid.  Television was really new at that time, and everything about a television station was impressive.