
What I Don’t Do At Christmas, Any More

This year, I thought I would take stock of what I do and don’t do at Christmas, any more.  I find that I don’t do more than I do do.  Sometimes, this makes me sad.  Truth be told, so many of these things were things that Larry did for the holidays.


Despicable Denver

 This past week, I’ve had the pleasure of listening to the Civic Center building carillon.  Volunteers from all walks of life spend their precious holiday time going to the Civic Center in downtown Denver to entertain the visitors to the Center by playing holiday music for almost an hour.  Some of them, like my friend, have been doing it for years.


Waking the Sleeping Bear

Sometimes, this happens.  I get to 8:40 at night on Tuesday and suddenly am hit with the realization that I have a BLOG to write. Talking with sister Clara in her Texas (I’ve told you that we talk every day – sometimes for more than an hour), it hit me.  BLOG!  Capital letters – BLOG!  I asked Clara what I should write about, tonight.  I have four hours before I post for tomorrow’s Cranky Crone News.  Only four hours.  It takes that long to edit and correct a blog – usually.

Her response was quick.  Write about waking me up from sound sleep just to talk.  “You mean, Waking the Bear from her Lair?”  Good idea.  So here it is. 


And, the Holidays Are …

Dear Readers,
This month is a set of three acrostic poems for the holidays.


Christ Child.
Santa Claus.
Apples with clove spices.


Candles in the menorah.
Helper candle that lights the other eight.
An event celebrating the dedication of the Temple.
ndeniably delicious latkes.
Kids play dreidel and win gelt coins made of chocolate.
A band of Jewish warriors of the Maccabees, who   regained the Temple.
Hanukkah is another way to spell Chanukah.


Kinara – a candle holder.
White, Black, Yellow, Red (and all hues in between) – all can celebrate.
African and American cultures.
Nation, race, family, community – strive for and maintain unity.
Zawadi is gift giving.
African heritage dancers.
All may join.