
Blame It On Covid

I’m sure that by now you may be sick of hearing about covid and me.  But, I have a few more thoughts I’d like to share.  I’ve heard that covid has some “long” effects, and I may very well be experiencing them.  Just so you know, I HATE this!

The first day I allowed myself to drive, after a negative test, I needed and wanted to go to my favorite bookstore, The Bookies.  I’ve been to The Bookies dozens and dozens of times.  To get there, I head north on Colorado Blvd., and turn east on Mississippi Avenue.  So, I pointed the Tahoe in that direction and began to drive.  At some point, I realized I was ten blocks north of Mississippi; I had skipped my turn without realizing my error.  I turned around and drove to The Bookies, where “my books” were waiting..

Writing this BLOG, the font was so large that it went off of the screen.  I like to work being able to see the entire line of print.  I couldn’t remember how to make it so.  I couldn’t remember the keystrokes to adjust the screen, as I have done, probably, hundreds of times before.  I had to ask Roger (my computer guru) to help.  And, of course, he did.

I wanted to load pictures into the last two BLOGS.  I couldn’t remember how to do that.  Again, I’ve done this procedure dozens of times.  I still have not been able to figure out how to do that.  Have to get in touch with Karl (BLOG man) for help.  Maybe, soon, you will see all of those pictures in one BLOG.

With this BLOG, I forgot to save as often as I usually do.  And, it disappeared, requiring me to recreate what I had.  I’m saving more often now.

Yesterday, I had a scheduled appointment with my cardiologist.  Not an easy task getting an appointment with her.  First, I had an appointment.  Next, I got covid.  Then, I made a new appointment for yesterday.  She works out of two offices.  I’d clearly identified the office where I was to go in my daytimer.  I had lunch with a friend and took off for my appointment; the appointment about twenty minutes south of the restaurant.  The check-in person informed me that my appointment was actually at the other office – a location that is less than ten minutes from my home!  Next, I made a new appointment; it is not until November 27.

I’m a list maker – written lists.  I make a list for the grocery.  I make a list for who I need to call.  I make a list for what I need to do today … and, tomorrow.  I keep my lists by my computer located at the back of my house.  If I am in another room, say, in the front of the house, and I think of something I need to write on one of the lists, and, I walk to where the list is, I forget the item before I get to write it on a list!

Today, I had an appointment with my PCP.  Arriving at the right building for the appointment (truth be told, he only works in one building, but an hour earlier than the appointed time), I had occasion to talk with another patient who heard me complaining about these thinking problems.  She said that the same problem has troubled her for a year – A YEAR!  She said, one time, she put the milk in a cupboard and not back in the fridge.

Fortunately, I have friends and family who are helping with this.  I’m learning to be better at asking for help.  While I don’t want to need their help, I realize that I do need their help.  Maybe, I can be better at this.

I am driving – very carefully.  I am preparing meals – also very carefully.  (And, again, I must credit Meals On Wheels for my lunches that are brought by volunteers.)  I’m remembering to take care of my dog.  We had Paisley with us for about a week.  I remembered to take care of her.  I’m working at being very aware of what I’m doing and my surroundings.  I will be especially careful of expenditures.  I will proof this BLOG many, many times, and still not be sure there are no mistakes.  My hope is that this is not going to last a year, but that it will be over much sooner.  Maybe, as soon as three months or so.

This epic in my life is taking some adjustment.  But … at least so far, I haven’t put the ice cream in the fridge or the zucchini in the freezer.

Be Safe and Be Well
The Cranky Crone
Thoughtful comments are appreciated.

7 replies on “Blame It On Covid”

You don’t want to put the zucchini in the freezer. 😹. If the ice cream begins to melt you can drink it. Zucchini is really sad after being frozen.

Mom, I really am sorry this is happening to you. After I had the girls (you know I was already 40 when I had Gran#1), my mind gets more like this every year. So, I understand how frustrating it is. Just ask the girls about the head of lettuce story.
I love you even if you do put the ice cream in the fridge and the zucchini in the freezer!

This is a really strange situation. Doing things that 1)are not scheduled, or scheduled at a different time that arrive for, say, an appointment. I really have to pay attention to my calendar, be sure that it is recorded properly, am where I’m supposed to be where I am at any given time. I’ve promised myself (and others) that I’m going to do a much better job of that!

This fog is the pits, but I have heard that it happens to a lot of people who have had COVID. Being intentional and paying attention to your daytimer is a good thing.
When I get a quart of ice cream, it doesn’t seem to last long enough for me to mistakenly put it where it won’t stay frozen.I say, “Eat it all at once so you don’t have to worry about putting it in the wrong place.”

Marj, this is a bit belated but since you now have a smart phone, you could use it for your lists. I’m a list-maker too. I use my iPhone calendar for my lists. Sometimes I also use the Notes feature, if it’s something I I to retain more permanently. Hope this helps. Covid is terrible!
Best, Cindy

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