

How many days does a person need to isolate when tested positive for COVID?  How many days does a person need to wear a mask after isolating because of a positive COVID test?  I didn’t know three days ago, but I do now.  You may know that about three times a year, my body tries to get pneumonia.  Every year after coughing for two or three hours, I knew that I was headed for a bout with pneumonia.  There was no cold.  No chest congestion.  Nothing but a cough.  Occasionally, I’d end up in the hospital with pneumonia.  Then my PCP recommended that I take doxycycline twice each day and, ColdEze when I coughed.  This regimen of meds has kept me out of danger from pneumonia and out of the hospital for years.  Not once have I had pneumonia or been hospitalized with pneumonia since following those orders.Coughing on Thursday afternoon, sent me straight to the meds because I was sure I was headed for pneumonia.  I had a sore throat that day, as well.  And I never have a sore throat.  I remembered that I’d a headache, on and off all day.  And, I NEVER, NEVER have headaches.  So … sore throat?  Headache?  My “don’t have pneumonia” regimen was not taking care of the coughing.  So¸ it must be something else.  Straight to the medicine cabinet for the COVID test kits.

Sure enough.  Both test shows the COVID lines in the sample windows.  There started the telephone calls.  First, to cancel all of my medical appointments for that day and future days.  PCP.  Chiropractor.  Physical Therapist.  Nutritionist.  Cardiologist.

The calling continued.  I worked diligently to remember all of the people who had been around me the preceding four or five days.  Roger,  Keiths, two Ritas, Sara, three P.E.O. sisters with whom I had lunch, Peggy, Greta’s mom – everyone I could remember.  Of course, Daughters #1 and #3 were told.

The medicine ordered was Paxlovid.  Three “horse pills,” two of one drug and one of another, to be taken twice a day.  Along with something with electrolytes.  Guifenesin.  A cough medicine with codeine.  I was told that because I responded quickly to the symptoms, that should be helpful in the recovery period.

You know that I’m convinced I live in the most wonderful neighborhood in the world.  Neighbors who care about each other and offer help.  Neighbor Rita has, twice, provided a delicious supper for me!

Day after tomorrow, I may go about, if I wish, while always wearing a mask.  I have lots of masks, provided mostly by “Daughter #1.  I can’t really imagine that I will feel well enough to leave the house; but, perhaps, I will.

As I’ve said, this is the most exhausting time I can ever remember with a disease.  So, I will stop writing.  Even the writing, wears me out.

Be safe and Be Well

The Cranky Crone

Thoughtful comments are appreciated..



4 replies on “Dear COVID”

My youngest, husband, and I had COVID too. Husband’s was awful (no Paxlovid). Youngest’s and mine not so bad (took Paxlovid). REST (which means stop trying to clean the fridge), drink lots of fluids, and ask for help when you need it (which means stop taking out the trash!). Love you, Mom.

Somehow I must have missed this. I guess you didn’t get the covid at the Rock show. And you didn’t get to go either??? I know Judy was very busy that weekend. We moved the Glass Club library into a closet and still have room for more books.

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