
It Makes Me Wonder . .

There was a time when most clothing hung in closets on wire hangers.  Suits.  Blouses.  Skirts.  Pants.  Sweaters with pokey nobs on the shoulders caused by the wire hanger.  I think the wire hangers usually arrived with dry cleaning.  At least, that’s the way it seemed to me.  Well, actually, the first five of the wire hangers usually came home with the dry cleaning.  A week later, so it seemed, there were ten wire hangers.  And, then, there were twenty.  And MORE and MORE. Where did they all come from?  We never knew.  We always said that there in the dark closet, they simply multiplied and multiplied.  Giving them away didn’t help.  The numbers kept growing and growing.  And, nobody had an answer for this phenomenon.  Even today, while using other kinds of hangers, the wire hangers that we have multiply.  I wonder why this happens.

When I walk into my Walgreens store after some prescription that has been ordered by my physician, I walk to the back of the store.  In through the automatic doors, past the rows of greeting cards.  Past all of the other items for sale.  All the way to the back of the store.  If I were a smoker in search of these death-producing products, I would find them at the front of the store.  Located just inside of the automatic doors at the check out stand.  I wonder who designed the store and the placement of the products.

When was the last time you drove somewhere, a long distance, and the car brought you home, safe and sound.  You had been up hill and down dale.  You may have been camping.  Or, visiting museums.  Or, to a musical concert.  Or, friends or relatives had welcomed you on your vacation.  The car sits overnight in your garage or on your driveway.  The next morning, the engine won’t turn over.  I wonder why this happens.

You are shopping for groceries and need, say, a box of cereal.  There are two sizes of this cereal.  The price per oz of the smaller box is less than for the larger box.  I wonder why it is like it is.

Weeds are easier to grow than the flowers you’ve planted?  I wonder why this is like it is.

It has snowed and is cold.  Ice covers the sidewalks and streets.  You know the dangers in front of you, so you think – I want to be sure that I don’t slip on this ice. And, then, you do!  I wonder why this happens.

You have invited the whole church (even though it is small) to a church Christmas get together at your house; and, the sink stops up.  You have to call a plumber who arrives during the party.  I wonder why this happens.

Your neighbor enters your yard to surreptitiously dig an entire iris rhizome that she has already been promised that she would be given a start during August when they are separated.  She left nothing in the ground to grow, next year.  What possessed her to do such a thing?  I wonder why she did it; but I have an idea!

You set your television recorder to record a favorite program.  But, before the end of the program, the recorder stops recording.  Grrrrfrrr!  I wonder why this happens.

You decide to wash your car, today.  It is clean and shiny and pretty.  And, rain immediately falls on it.  I wonder why this happens.

You strategically plan an outdoor picnic to avoid inclement weather.  And, it rains, anyway.  I wonder why this happens.

You are reading your favorite book to a favorite child.  And, before the end of the story, the little one goes to sleep.  I wonder why.

You teach your children to be able to decisively make good decisions.  Then, when they do, and their decisions are not what you want them to be, you get upset.  I wonder why.

You have a battery powered smoke detector and/or a carbon monoxide detector, and it starts beeping to let you know you should change the battery – in the middle of the night.  I wonder why this happens.

You have a large, important copy job that needs to be done NOW; and, the copier decides at that moment to misbehave.  I wonder why this happens. but you learn to never tell a machine, any machine, that you are in a hurry.

It’s wash day and you are washing a load of laundry and mid-cycle, the washer stops working.  It is full of water, and you need to take out the load of laundry and call a repair person.  And, they can’t come until next Tuesday.  I wonder why this happens.

What do you wonder about?

Be Safe and Be Well.

The Cranky Crone

Thoughtful comments are appreciated.


4 replies on “It Makes Me Wonder . .”

Many good questions to ponder. I always take wire hangers back to a dry cleaner. I imagine they can be reused…

I am left wondering who hoarded Larry’s Iris’s!!! Boooooo…..
And I totally ponder along with you on all else 🙂

It is called LIFE, ma.

I KNOW who took the iris. It was frustrating. (Your neighbor to the east has the iris, but it wasn’t he who did the digging.

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