
Open Letter to a CEO

This is a letter that I e-mailed to the CEO of Office Depot.  Remember that said we need to let corporate know when something comes along to disturb and/or anger us.  So, here is one from me.


Gerry Smith
Office Depot

Dear Mr. Smith:

The purpose of this letter is to provide information regarding the new fax set up in your stores.  I am assuming that every currently operating Office Depot store has the same set up.

Time was when to send a fax, the customer walked into the store, filled out a “send” sheet, faxed the information to the proper telephone number, received a confirmation sheet, paid for the process at the check out stand, and left.  Simple process.  Understandable process.  Short process.  Right!

Now, however, some foolish person has installed fax machines that take a college degree in computer engineering to understand and operate.  The instructions are poor.  The process is long.  And, for someone my age (83), it is highly undesirable to attempt to do this action.  What used to take three minutes – MAX! – now can consume ten or fifteen minutes.  Or, more.  As happened, today, when I attempted to fax one sheet to a number.  And, frankly, at my age, fifteen minutes is more time than I can waste.

I had to ask twice for assistance.  One machine was out of order and the other was being used by someone who was copying a large amount of papers.  I waited and waited.  And, when it was my turn to use the machine (that apparently could do almost anything, including fly to another part of the company), I could not figure out how to make it work.

I’m sure that my voice was not an “indoor voice,” although I am not sure since I do use hearing aides that are not always accurate in the information they send into my ears.  At any rate, someone finally came to help.  At that time, I told him that I knew the problem did not rest with him, but that I would be sending a letter of complaint to the CEO of the company to express my disgust with the new process.  He asked me why because he was there to  help.  I reminded him that if the process were not impossible, he would not have to leave the floor to assist with what used to be a simple activity.

He assured me that I should slow down.  I reminded him that I had already spent about fifteen minutes attempting to get a three-minute job finished.  And, reiterated that I WOULD send a letter complaining about the stupidity of installing this machine to make life of the consumer more difficult.  And, that at 83, I am an old person and do not take likely to this nonsensical change of process.

He appeared to be a kind person so I searched for something to change the subject while the machine was taking “one minute per page” to send.  Clearly, the sound of his  voice indicated that the United States was not his original home; rather, Scotland was his home country.  We found common ground to discuss curling (my only favorite sport and the rocks made in Scotland).  My enjoyment at watching curling on television.  How pleased I am that men and women, together, compete in the games.  Age makes no different.  We talked about how curling and two other sports were the only Olympic sports where men and women could compete.  Curling and equestrian events.  And, one other that neither of us could remember.

This sales person made my trip to the store to send a one-page fax a bit more pleasant.  However, here is the letter, as promised.  Your people in charge of sending faxes have done us a disservice with this new incomprehensible machine!  Now, I will have to search for another business where I can understand the faxing process.


This, then, is my letter to this CEO.  I’m sure there will be more letters to come to difference CEOs about other absurdities that arise in our environment.

Be safe and well.

The Cranky Crone

Thoughtful comments are appreciated.

4 replies on “Open Letter to a CEO”

On most activities involving technology I just tend to walk into the establishment, pause with a look of total confusion and quite frequently someone rushed over to do the job for me. This saves a lot of time and frustration in my life. 😹

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