
Finding Time

So, we make our schedules for the day.  Or, maybe, for two or three days.  Good idea.

And, the day comes to execute the carefully thought out schedule.  As a crone, I’m retired and my schedule should be pretty open.  Especially, now, with the pandemic in full force.

It’s Wednesday, and I really don’t have anything to do.  Well, except for the dishes, the washing and drying of clothes, getting lunch, having any allowed snacks – just regular things.  And, I’ll have time to write the children’s story for the on-line class I’m taking.

Before all of that, though, I need to go to the basement to use the TRX exercise unit and the recumbent stepper.  First, though, I’ll see who can’t wait to talk with me on e-mail.

I don’t read computer screens very well, so I set the important messages to print.  But, the printer doesn’t print – anything.  So, I e-mail my computer guru and wait for his return e-mail.  It comes; he can help in about an hour.  Good.  That gives me time to go downstairs and use the TRX unit and the stepper.

Laundry, TRX, and Recumbent Stepper

But, first, I’ll take the washing downstairs – of course, the clothes have to be sorted first.   I do that on my bed because I can’t carry the hamper downstairs, any more.  I sort the clothes on the bed so I can carry them down to the washer in the huge split oak basket.  One hand carrying the basket with clothes and the other hand on the handrail.  It will take two trips with my basket.

The first load is in the washer.  Soap and water conditioner, too.  Now, I can exercise, and the doorbell rings.  I answer it and tell the person on the porch that I don’t need his tree service – I have one, already.  And, it’s time to go to the computer to let Roger (who works from home) into the computer to figure out why nothing is printing.

It takes about ten minutes to get Roger  into the computer to work – it would have taken five, but I like to talk.  Roger has the computer, so now, I can go down to exercise.  But, no.  This is the day Chere the Russian tortoise gets her bath, and now is the time.

So, it’s put on the gloves (I always handle her with plastic gloves – salmonella, you know).  Run the bath, in her plastic tub on the bathroom sink (where else); put Chere in.  Set a time for twenty minutes.  I really need to set the time because, if I don’t, I may forget she’s in there.  While she is in her bath, it’s time to clean her habitat, put fresh food in for her to eat after her bath, and be sure she has fresh water.

Roger calls that he needs my help with the computer to see if it is finished.  The printer prints, so Roger can disconnect.  Now, what was I doing?  Oh, right.  The washing is ready to be moved to the dryer.  Take down the second basket of washing.  Transfer the wet clothes to the dryer.  Start the new load.  I could use the exercise equipment, but no.

It’s back up the stairs because the timer went off, and it’s time for Chere to get out of her bath.  Wash her off under running water.  Dump her bath water into the stool.  Dry her off and take her out to her habitat so she can either eat or bask under the light.  Then, scour the sink.

Back to the computer to print the e-mail messages I want to read and keep in a file.  I can hear the dryer buzzer from downstairs.  Twice.  I do so hate to be scolded by a machine, so it’s downstairs, again, to take care of the wash.

I’m downstairs by the exercise equipment and could use it, but now that the first load of clothes is hanging on hangers, they need to go upstairs to their closets.  And, upstairs, having put the clothes away, I try to remember if this is the day that #3 daughter and I ZOOM and paint together, at noon.  It is.  And, it happens to be noon.  So, it’s back to the computer.  With paints, brushes, paper.

This afternoon won’t be any better.  There will be more washing and drying, more getting food ready to eat, more of that every day stuff.  And, my plan to exercise?  Good luck…

And my plan to write for my on-line class?  Well … maybe, tomorrow.

3 replies on “Finding Time”

You do a whole lot more than I do when I am at home, ma. I have so many things to organize and put away. I tend to sit and read or do puzzles online. My motivation is non-existent these days. At least, I can go to work at the library. There I seem to get things done.

Oh, ma! I feel your pain! Some days, I would like to cross off at least one thing on the list without needing to put a dot next to it, and saying, “Ok, I’ll ‘finish’ it tomorrow,” which Never happens.😕

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