

I had occasion to look for a product that I needed from a farm supply store, thinking the location of the store was way south on Broadway, a major street where I live.  Well, the store wasn’t there¸ south on Broadway.  I went into a coffee shop on south Broadway where “my store” wasn’t and asked a staff person if anyone knew where the farm store was located.  Fortunately, someone was able to tell me that it was west, way south on a road called Santa Fe.  I thanked her, chastised myself for not having the correct address, and headed for the farm store.

When I arrived at the turn off from Santa Fe, I immediately had to stop to wait for the road construction, there.  Finally, I was allowed to go forth and turn into the parking lot of the farm store.

I needed to purchase rabbit food for the bunny in my back yard when winter arrives, peanuts for the squirrels, and bird food for the birds that frequent my feeders.  I had help getting everything and asked another question about getting four metal caps to protect my fence posts from the elements.  My conversation with the farm store sales person went something like this.  Me:  I need the metal caps for the posts, but I’ve been told that I need to go to the Split Rail Fence store that is close to your store.

These metal fence post caps were ruined by hail in 2018.

Farm store staff:  Yes, and the store is right in back of us (pointing to the north side of the store).

I left the store, steering my car out of the parking lot, north on the street, waiting through the construction, and turning on the road that was “right in back of the farm store.”  No Split Rail Fence store.  After driving around a few blocks looking for the store, I thought that I’d go back to the farm store to ask someone else.

I drove back to the farm store, waiting one more time for the road construction, going into the supply yard where the hay and other farm products are kept, and asked one of the workers there.  I asked the same question – where is the Split Rail Fence store?  I was again told, it’s right behind us – jerking his thumb to the north.  Taking the worker’s word as fact and assuming that I’d just missed the sign for the Split Rail Fence store, I drove for the second time to the street that led “right behind” the farm store through road construction.  Again, no Split Rail Fence store.

“Right behind us.”  Doesn’t that mean the farm store shares a property line with that store?  When we talk about the house that is “right behind us,” can’t we see that house from our house?  Doesn’t it mean that it might just be across the street from the back of our property?  I thought we were speaking the same language, but apparently not.

Once more, I drove around the farm store; once again, driving through road construction, waiting a little less patiently to be given the “go forth” sign.   I drove around and around until I drove by two young women walking on the sidewalk.  I stopped and asked the same question:  “Do you know where the Split Rail Fence store is located?

They kindly responded with exact direction – end of the block, turn right, on the north side of that road.  Following their specific directions, I found the Split Rail Fence store.  Four – FOUR! – blocks north of the farm store.

As I drove into the small, empty parking lot in front of the Split Rail Fence store, I did wonder why on this Monday that no cars were in the lot.  But, I walked up to the door to go in, anyway.  On the door was a sign that on the preceding Saturday and this Monday, the store would be closed for inventory!

I haven’t been back, yet, to get those metal fence post caps.  I’ll go as soon as it is feasible for me to do so.  And, this time, I’ll be able to find the store that is “right north of the farm store.”

Be safe and well.

The Cranky Crone

If you have thoughtful feedback or questions, please let me know with a comment below.



3 replies on “Semantics”

Ma, you should have asked ME where the farm store is located. I tend to go there a couple of times a year. As for the split rail fence place, I can’t even remember seeing it.
I know this part of Santa Fe well. It is not easy to maneuver even without the road construction. You had more patience than I would have had with this situtation.

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